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Little Stanion Primary School

Opportunities for
All to Aspire

Phonics and Reading

At Little Stanion our word reading skills are underpinned by our early phonics programme Read Write Inc (RWI). This enables our children to decode unfamiliar words and also use known sounds to read and write fluently.

In Reception the children all begin by learning set 1 sounds in September - please see videos for sound pronunciations. These sounds are used to read words which can be decoded and enable the children to be confident in word reading and then spelling. When a child is ready they are moved onto set 2 and then set 3. A child is only moved on when they are ready and can apply all the sounds they have been taught to both their reading and writing. At Little Stanion we expect all children to have finished the RWI scheme of work by the end of year 1 and have moved on to spelling.

From year 2 to year 6 children are taught through the Read Write Inc spelling resource. This is a progressive study of spelling rules and special rules that takes the children from the spelling rules they need at the end of KS1 through to the end of KS2.

Reception to Year 2 children have access to both Oxford University Press and Read Write Inc reading schemes. 


Set 1 Sounds



 Set 2 Sounds 



 Set 3 Sounds
