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Little Stanion Primary School

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RE curriculum

Religious education (RE) is a statutory requirement for all schools but it is not part of the national curriculum. 

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE at anytime. To do this please contact Mrs Tate in writing. 

Little Stanion Primary follows the agreed syllabus for RE in Northamptonshire, which you can find following the link below. 

In R.E children are taught to respect and value each other's religious beliefs. They are also encouraged to debate and question religion in order to make their own decisions on what they believe.

Children at Little Stanion Primary School start by learning about Christianity and then throughout the end of Key stage 1 and the beginning of Key stage 2 they start to learn about a range of religions, such as Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, humanism and many others. As the children progress to upper key stage 2, they will start to compare religions and look at the impact of religion on the world, the local community and their own lives.

In Little Stanion Primary School children are taught a varied curriculum and have a 40 minute RE lesson each week.

 Throughout the year, each class will have the opportunity to listen and learn from a visitor talking about their own religion or will have the chance to visit a place of worship. These visits and visitors help the children to enhance their understanding and develop a deeper understanding of other people’s beliefs. The aim is that by the time a child reaches year 6 they will have had a first hand experience in a range of religions and have the tools and skills to respect and understand different religious beliefs.

r e curriculum map.pdf


Northamptonshire agreed RE syllabus