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Little Stanion Primary School

Opportunities for
All to Aspire


At Little Stanion Primary School we ensure that the national curriculum for science is fully covered across the year groups.   The intention of the curriculum is to gain an understanding of the world though science, and to develop the skills to ask questions and find the answers to these through fair investigations by observing, recording and presenting results.  We deliver our curriculum in such a way as to inspire our pupils to become scientists.  We provide new opportunities and experiences that promote diversity and aspiration. 



Our vision for science is that we provide high quality science lessons which engage and inspire all children. Our science curriculum is driven by carefully planned learning opportunities that deliver the essential knowledge content of the national curriculum whilst developing the skills to work scientifically.  We aim for these ‘working scientifically’ skills to be transferable to other subjects and for children to see how their learning is relevant to the world around them and for their future.


At Little Stanion Primary School, science lessons are taught weekly and follow a whole school overview designed by the science subject coordinator.   Science is taught in at least five terms of the year as dictated by the whole school overview.  Each term, year groups are expected to deliver a topic themed creative curriculum and a science topic should be the focus one of these in the year.  Where possible, links are made outside of the school to enrich the science curriculum though school trips, visitors and other opportunities  Each year, the school holds a science week.



Children will enjoy learning about science and see how it helps them to understand the world around them.  They will leave the primary school with the required knowledge outlined in the national curriculum.  Children will develop their skills to work scientifically and will become confident in the main skills of enquiry, investigation, observation, recording and evaluating.   Children will understand the relevance of scientific knowledge and understanding and how this could impact on their futures.


science curriculum map.pdf