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Little Stanion Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

I am delighted as Headteacher to welcome you to Little Stanion Primary School’s website.

We are a fabulous and unique primary school set in the wonderful new village of Little Stanion, in Corby. We are a one form entry school with a Nursery provision for children aged 3 and 4. Visitors to our school regularly comment on how warm and welcoming the school is, as well as the family atmosphere amongst our brilliant children and staff. We are very proud of the children’s behaviour in school and their attitudes towards learning.

At Little Stanion Primary school we develop independent thinkers with an adaptable approach to learning. Our children relish new challenges and tackle new concepts with determination and perseverance. Philosophy is used to enhance thinking skills, generate active discussion and debate, developing an understanding of moral and British Values and each other.

We also cherish the outdoors at Little Stanion Primary. All children have regular access to outdoor learning within our grounds. We are developing our forest area, learning how to grow lots of vegetables as well as supporting the local wildlife with the pond, bug hotel and bird feeders. Children also look after and support the school goats, Toddie and Bertie, as well our school dog, Ron!

We fully support the unique qualities of every individual here and support children in goals that they set for themselves. Our planning is tailored to push individuals to their next level in learning and continuous monitoring of progress ensures all teachers are clear on children’s needs.

As well as ensuring children’s English and Maths skills are prioritised, we have a strong Arts curriculum, celebrating creativity through topic based learning. All topics are question led to encourage further interest and intrigue and lead the basis of a very specifically developed curriculum.

P.E. is another area of which we are very proud of. Children experience a wide range of sports at Little Stanion and have access to competitions within school and at cross school events within Corby and further afield.

We pride ourselves on preparing children well for their next steps in education at secondary school as well as becoming responsible members of society. Our Junior Leadership Team and School Council also support staff in leading good links with our local community.  We cherish the good relationship we enjoy with the parents at school and are supportive of the vital role they play in their child’s education.

For further information please feel welcome to use the tabs above to navigate the website in order to find out more about our wonderful school. We encourage visits to the school and these can be booked through the school office.

Kindest regards

Mrs Tate