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Little Stanion Primary School

Opportunities for
All to Aspire

Special Educational Needs


  • Ms Helen Johnson
    Special Educational Needs Coordinator

 At Little Stanion Primary our vision is for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, to achieve their full potential by:

  • effectively identifying and assessing needs of all children
  • setting targets to accelerate progress or effectively support a child with their needs
  • monitoring and reviewing learning and progress
  • liaising with parents and carers
  • listening and respecting the views of the child
  • working in partnership with a range of specialists (where necessary), for example: education psychology and speech and language.
  • working in partnership with Portage (SEN support for Early Years) within Nursery and also when children transition from Nursery to Reception.  

At Little Stanion Primary School we are able to cater for children with a range of special needs and disabilities:

  • Communication and Interaction - for example Autism Spectrum Conditions, Speech and Language difficulties
  • Cognition and Learning for example - Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Moderate learning difficulties
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Difficulties for example - ADHD, Attachment disorder, Mental illness or depression
  • Sensory and/or physical needs for example - Vision/hearing impairment, Motor skill difficulties
  • Looked after children with SEN.

Staff are provided with targeted training opportunities to ensure that they are able to support the needs of all pupils.

The Inclusion Link Governor, incorporating SEND, is: Mrs Sharon Toyer

Ms Johnson can be contacted by email: senco@ltstanion-pri.northants-ecl.gov.uk or via the school office on 01536 215204. 

Please see below our SEND policy and SEND Information Report: 

sen information report 2023.pdf

send policy september 2023.pdf