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Little Stanion Primary School

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Uniform examples

At Little Stanion Primary School our uniform colours are grey and purple.  Below are details of our suppliers and how to order, however uniform with logos is not essential.  It is useful to have one logo item for school trips.

Pupils should wear shoes, rather than trainers, and these should be appropriate to the school environment. This ensures standards of dress appropriate to a “working” situation and promotes the attitudes that we would like to see in the school.  

For P.E lessons please provide the children with a pair of trainers, black shorts, a logo PE T-shirt and PE bag. For winter children will also need jogging bottoms and warm top in their PE bag. (this should be kept in school at all times). 


Important Please Note: Only simple ear studs/sleepers may be worn, not ear rings. No other jewellery is allowed in school. 

Watches: Inexpensive watches may be worn.  (If a watch is designed for games or making disruptive noises it should not be worn for school and will be looked after by the teacher and returned at the end of the day.)

Make-up and hair

No make-up may be worn during the school day (this includes nail varnish) and extreme haircuts (zig- zags, tramlines, hair braids) or colouring (dyed hair / hair extensions) are not considered appropriate.  In P.E. lessons, long hair, braiding and any ribbons or hair ornaments need to be tied back securely.  Excessive use of gel or hair products is not permitted. 

We do stock a range of second-hand uniform in the Community Room. If you would like to have a look and purchase any, please request at the school office. We ask for a donation towards the uniform but if you are in need, please just mention to a member of staff and we will be able to help. 


If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform policy, for example on religious reasons, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the head teacher. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. When there are agreed reasons for exceptions to the uniform policy they will be recorded and kept on file.


uniform welcome pack letter for parents.pdf